Weekly SA Mirror


NEW ORDER: : The esteemed church leader makes earnest follow-up on the need for a Pan-Africanist Movement…

By  Paul Njabulo Vilakazi

During  the “Systematic Human Brutalization Project (SHBP)” in the form of colonialism and apartheid in South Africa, Hendrik Verwoerd, John Voster,Robert Sobukwe and Nelson Mandela, were caught up in a warp  of a national tussles and a race  conundrum,  from which  levelling the playing fields was a total impossibility even when détente was a quasi-reality between our country and neighbouring sister  countries.

They could just not just find a common microscope to look and re-look together at their eclectic notions on the complexion of  a true South Africa; without first having to go into wars, which were – in reality – just a kwekerytwis gone very carelessly into a huge  effrontery to our being  and criminality  to the whole of humanity .

I have no fitting  hot-as-a-kiln fire words to extrapolate my own attempt to express the nightmare of  the 46 above, that became the most brutal world’s   geopolitic conundrum  and, I dare say, that which  just unjustly had to become commonplace history; which only later was turned around to be  monikered the ‘South African miracle…’

While earlier on, a filthiest racial morass was trudged, and, yet a smugly deliberate belaboured intent of the ruling class’s stubborn Nazism; like stances such as the life incarcerations in prison followed by protracted exiles and rivers of blood-letting and, unbelievably, a horror out of which the acronym CODESA was ultimately  birthed. As its side-kick came along in a rush, as a then beckoning national quasi-egalitarian rainbow-ism… 

Meanwhile the Slave-Programme Engineers continued to spawn this time around, simple Non-White muggers to hold tighter still, their grip on us, lest we found a potent panacea to our poisoned and thus chronically ill culture and ancestral memory – lying just out there for a re-diagnosis of  its quintessential surviving  health potency and then for its   taking…

But, alas, theirs was to police and baby-sit our involuntary evolving human ecological ethos, through levers of power and control so that we forever only conform to the ultimate real  Puppet Master’s desires and programmes. Even as now, the neo-apartheid flatus is rumbling  on in our beloved country’s belly crying for the rare enema.

While  the inyangas, griots  and  izanusi (sangomas) are cowed and  are few; as we continue to be brow-beaten and good women and men, stand idle; in our  myopia of seeing broken straws for liberation timber; only to reap a mangiest and flagitious season of thugs on the loose…

Now we remain between the coldest rock and most inclement hard and jaggy  place, going into the future;  if we don’t have the wherewithal to stage a mental revolution worth our age and times; and if we never change an African socio-political order that, we direly need to now! Time to have the guts to exorcise out of our African psyche the all time grubby system called politik – is now…

To re-infuse into our governance vision, fresh new blood of the wise and  without political baggage;  women and men of valour and good moral cachet; to create strong a home-brewed   movement . To save the African political  blood  flowing to this day in Kwa-Zulu Natal; bridges collapsing and gas pipes blowing in Johannesburg every day, crime gripping  the  Cape Flats of  MitchellsPlain, Bonteheuvel, Bokmakierie,Khayelitsha,Gugulethu ,Mannenburg, Nyanga and Eldorado Park, to name a few nodes of human blood splatter  and  wholesale slaughter of our women and children .

While captains of the ponderous self-entitlement are grabbing our country’s wealth even more than apartheid did on their last days and becoming the most insolently arrogant and the grubby government in all tiers, is paying scant, if any, attention to all the blood-flow and only as now-dyed-in-the-wool felonies,  in whatever colours they come, in provinces,  cities, townships and Elalini…

With the lethargic murmurs and loudly  silent screams are yet  -blowing the top – in all our societies in earnest lately that political parties are all the same; hence  the ‘’I won’t be voting’’ paralysis  albeit inadvertently a posse comitatus ,’ that  seriously threatens what is left of  political buffoonery, and, while it   is not being helped even by political commentators who are gripped only by the culture of naming and shaming demeanours  of political parties ,while  not suggesting alternative thinking and ultimate progressive  indigenous reservoirs of enemas to this end.

Yet a new home-brewed thing can be surely done – as against being trapped in the alien Westminster system of some juggernaut parliamentary contraption, including thriving in self-indulgent loaded dice like, power and tricks such as, First Past The Post voter bullying by a majoritarian mechanism for absolute power.

Creating an Elephantine dominant party system, sitting smugly in two covens of a parliament designed for Africans without any of their native institutions input , spiritual and sapient  blessings.

Then, with the rest close to their  Elephantine selves are then  turned only into mere reactionary entities even by the way their manifestos are only retrogradely  reflected against each other’s now all but Lilliputian counter punching…

We have inherited an opportunistic vulture’s culture whereby folk at the top of political control, are always adversarial to each other; in order to be first at the trough that only represent  the dregs of  our moral decay and rampant  probabilism in place of resolute policies and plans of action.

And,  it is time that all that filth is wiped off the face of the Mother Continent; and it all has to start in South Africa. We must all be continually charged with a patriotism that revolves around BOTHO/UBUNTU. The only and noblest human ideal ,that all ought to always stand up for  and defend despite the whole world’s clutches on our souls presently.

‘It is from a small seed that the giant iroko tree has its beginnings’ Hallowed First, Be Thy Neighbourhood

How does a Hewu High School in the Eastern Cape categorised as an ordinary school and left to its own local devises amid crying poverty is expected to produce equal results as a Highlands Park High School in Johannesburg; even despite the Queenstown residents, in recent days so locally organised that they wait for no corrupt and bankrupt municipality to clean and professionally fill their own town and township’s potholes…?

How do the local ancient sovereignties established naturally in such areas and producing such hallowed icons and avatars such as the likes of Makhanda ka Nxele, Nkhono Mantsopa, Inkosi Bhambatha, Mofumahadi Manthatisi, Kgosi Sekhukhune, Nelson Mandela ,Robert Sobukwe , Zeph Mothopeng Jafta Masemola and Steve Biko, to name a few, get to reincarnate these into the contexts of local modern day governances organic nuances , during the day of the amorphous unitary state that legislates only from the top and strictly design shoddy service from the top, without   local inputs from any level of society; as a result, calamities such as Esidimeni and zama zama criminalities occur without any curbing by  rightfully watchful local communities, even before you rope in the most incompetent municipality police with a lethargy not seen even during the colonial World War Two and massive  hyperpyrexia suffered by our ancestors during the First World War, and the Anglo-Boer  War,with some badly  torn between the  ‘Masters’ rock and hard place…

This leaves us ready to be galvanised to action and accountability – a posse comitatus of able-bodied men and women on the ground, yet more so ravaged by political most nefarious intentions with an unbridled, free-flowing alcohol and drugs, with more than a score of under-aged school children dying in one decimation push at a tavern in the Eastern Cape

Re mmutla dintjeng in our own land right now , ill-nourished  by the once fresh blood in the wars against apartheid; after which we got re-indoctrinated that neo-colonialism, and the ANC’s neo-apartheid is ‘not so bad after all…’          

That is mind-poisoning of centuries already and right now, that  dog don’t hunt…

True sanctimonious personal and own group and habitat’s liberties and total liberation postponed, is only freedom now being  pooh-poohed and to be fooled around with, with more ease even as your anger and frustrations are availed  to be directed by the damn political scumbags who have no patriotic bone in their twisted soul and whole constitution.

Another analogous scenario close to this,  is that of a person in an abusive relationship and it is tearing, not only their life to shreds, but also that of the children born in it; and in the beginning they are advised to give it five years, while the church is praying for it; when five years is done, someone comes around and says, let’s give it one more five years in which an inyanga would turn it all around –  now it is 10 years and the victim is all but skeletal shadows of their old selves.. .

Give me hope Jo’anna; Hope, Jo’anna; Gimme hope, Jo’anna; ’Fore the morning come; Gimme hope, Jo’anna; Hope, before the morning come’. – Eddie Grant

Published on the 121st Edition

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