FACILITATION: Paramedics and fire services play a vital role towards safety and security of SA drivers
By Ali Mphaki
All things being equal, one would expect paramedics and fire services people to be the first to arrive at the scene of an accident, and these should be able to handle the emergency to the best of their abilities.
But with the world of mobility going electric, has it ever crossed your mind if these First Respondents are up to speed with the latest technology, so they are well armed and prepared for new challenges? Most importantly, can they be able to handle electric vehicle incidents on South African roads?
It would not make sense for manufacturers to keep churning one electric vehicle after another without taking a stakeholder like the First Respondents along their local EV journey. Conscious of the need to progress the education and information of electric vehicles, Audi South Africa did a first for the local automotive industry when it facilitated a training programme with 70 First Respondents at their Dealer Training academy in Pretoria.
“As part of our planning towards the introduction of our fully electric Audi e-tron model range, we consulted with the Department of Cooperative Governance and the National Disaster Management Centre in South Africa and identified a need to progress the education and information of electric vehicles (EV) to First Responders,” explains Sascha Sauer, Head of Audi South Africa
The training facilitated a programme to “train the trainer”, with South African National Fire and Emergency Services, enabling the team of trainees to be in a position to adequately handle electric vehicle incidents on South African roads. The class room based training content included education and awareness of EV product features; technicalities of charging; and battery operations and safety guidelines to handling an electrically operated vehicle in comparison to an internal combustion engine.
Attendees were also exposed to Audi’s recently launched Audi e-tron models through a practical exercise based on global best training practices.
Acting Director of Fire Services, Thibedi Jappie Lengoabala. Was obviously pleased at the opportunity and said it was gratifying to see that “our teams are seen as an important stakeholder within this new era”..
Published on the 51th Edition. Get E-Copy