Weekly SA Mirror


Prevent: Proposed bill prevents adult smokers from obtaining accurate information  about alternatives to continued smoking

By Thuli Zungu

There is a clear call for support of differenti-ated regulation of non-combusted alternatives tosmoking to be included in the proposed TobaccoProducts and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill.

Addressing a media briefing in Johan-nesburg recently, Philip Morris of South Africa PMSA, unpacked the issues surrounding the Bill and high-lighted solutions that are being denied by regula-tors in South Africa.

The company raised several concerns whichthey believe should be considered by legislators.Ulreich Tromp,  Director of External Affairs, Southern Africa at PMSA, says they have requested an opportunity to make oral submissions to the Portfolio Committee on Health as they believe this would address any concerns or questions that the committee may have.

“We believe in an open and transparent dia- logue between policy makers, legislators, health experts society and industry about the future of tobacco regulation in the country.”

Amongst the issues raised in their written submissions on the Bill, the company highlighted the differences between non-combusted alternatives and cigarettes, stating that they should be regulated differently based on the different risk profiles of these products as supported by the scientific evidence.

They also raised several other concerns regarding the Bill, which included protecting freedom of commercial speech to provide an opportunity for adult smokers to choose better alternatives to continued smoking [and receive accurate information about them].

What is most noteworthy, Buhle Binta, Head of Scientific Engagement at PMSA adds that their submissions were clearly supported by the latest scientific evidence and best international practices.

“The current approach adopted in the Bill lacks nuance and scientific justification to the extent that it is irrational, “ Tromp says.

“The resultant proposed legislative mechanisms set out in the 2022 Bill will not advance the public interest.”

The Bill should include differentiated communication rules and differenti- ated rules for packaging, labelling and ingredients to ensure that adult smokers who do not quit un- derstand the difference and benefits of better alter- natives versus continued smoking and that such alternatives are acceptable for them.

Binta  said  : “The Bill should be amended to differentiate between combusted tobacco products and non- combusted alternatives including e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products and other oral smoke-free products.”

The proposed definition of ‘smoking’ is factually wrong and should also be amended to accurately reflect its scientific meaning and should not include non-combusted alternatives which do not burn tobacco and therefore do not generate smoke.

Neetesh Ramjee,  Director of External Affairs (Regulatory) at PMSA , said non-combusted alternatives have led to historic declines in smoking rates in countries such as Japan and Sweden.


The USA, UK and New Zealand have recog- nised the potential of non-combusted alternatives in reducing the harm caused by smoking and are today complementing their prevention and cessa-tion support efforts with a tobacco harm reduction strategy, said Ramjee.

“Different approaches are needed to accelerate major declines in smoking and associated diseases.

The Bill fails to recognise this.”   The  PMSA agrees that non-combusted alternatives must be regulated to minimise the risk of youth and non-smokers using these products and to ensure that adult smokers understand that these non-combusted alternatives are addictive and not risk-free.

“Youths should not have access to any tobacco or nicotine containing products and communications in relation to non-combusted alternatives should be restricted to limit the reach and appeal to the youths.

Tromp said : “The Bill in its current form prevents South African adult smokers from becoming aware of and obtaining accurate information about scientifically substantiated alternatives to continued smoking,”

“While these non-combusted alternatives are not risk-free and they usually contain nicotine, which is addictive, they are a much better choice for adults than continued smoking.”

Ramjee added that they needed to look to the authorities, policymakers and public health groups to act accordingly.

“Regulators need to hear all voices in the pro- cess with more consultation with other stakehold-ers, medical professionals, industry bodies andadult smokers, which will be key to ensure the law is inclusive, representative of all parties and is driv-en by science.”


  • There are a staggering eleven million adult smokers in South Africa. It is in the public interest for legislation regulating tobacco products to facilitate, rather than obstruct or prohibit, the dissemination of scientifically reliable information regarding less harmful alternatives to cigarettes. This will enable those adults who choose to continue using tobacco products to make informed choices about less harmful alternatives. This will contribute to the achievement of policy and legislative objectives.

  • Different tobacco and nicotine-containing products, specifically combusted tobacco products and non-combusted alternatives (such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products and other oral smokefree products), should be regulated in accordance with recent and available scientific evidence and the different risk profiles of each product for adult smokers.

  • International best practice supports differentiated regulation of combusted tobacco products and non-combusted alternatives.

  • Progress in addressing the harm caused by smoking can be accelerated by complementing prevention and cessation efforts with switching adult smokers to less harmful non-combusted alternatives.

  • Scientifically substantiated noncombusted alternatives have the potential to significantly reduce harm to adult smokers compared with continued smoking.

Published on the 115th Edition

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