Weekly SA Mirror


CHANGE: Minister Didiza speaks on “The Role of women in Agriculture” and how they have disrupted agribusiness industry

After the promulgation of the Native Land Act in 1913, women were at the forefront in waging struggles against land dispossession.  The quest for women’s access to later was also reflected in the Women’s Charter of 1954 before the drafting and adoption of the Freedom Charter in 1955. The fight against forced removals also had a women’s face. Mama Lydia Komape and Beauty Mkhize are amongst those we know. The late mama Sizane and women in the Rural Women’s Movement continue to wage struggles on land to this day.

I have made these reflections in order for us to locate how women have disrupted the agriculture and agribusiness industry and claimed their right in strengthening our food systems as a country and globally.

Today, I would like to honour Dr Vuyo Mahlathi. She advocated for women’s access to land and the transformation of Agricultural financial support. She understood the integrated nature of agriculture and her quest in transforming the food systems and the agriculture value chain. Her advocacy was drawn, not only in the theoretical understanding of the Agricultural economy, but through experience as a participant in the sector. She understood the importance of localisation and strengthening food systems at local and national level.

She saw the value in the assets that women have in rural areas such goats. While goats provide milk and meat, their skins can be processed and other products can be made out of goat skins, like other livestock. But she looked at the mohair and how good quality mohair can be harnessed to create other goods such as cotton and textile. This idea created the value chain that may not have thought about at the time. Ivili Loboya was started in Butterworth closer to where her products could be sourced. Ivili loboya gave rise to Dedani Creations, a fashion line that has already started reaching local and external markets.

Another woman is Solidarity Fund chairperson Mme Gloria Tomato Serobe. As founder of Wiphold with Louisa Mojela, both had broken the ceiling so that many of us can come through. They decided to invest in agriculture at primary level in South Africa and Lesotho rural areas. They were not deterred by the communal land tenure systems in these two countries that have a lot of complexities and scare a lot of investors away. They understood the importance of strengthening food systems as the ammunition to fight poverty, unemployment and under development.  They saw an opportunity of industrialising these spaces which are dislocated from the current economic zones of our country.

They worked with local leaders and communities, but more importantly they worked with Imbokodo, the women who till the land for survival and food security and household level. Today, the villages of Centane in the Eastern Cape boast of a production hub. It is not only the maize fields that we see, but today they have grain storage facilities and much needed infrastructure that save maze to avoid post -harvest losses

Kamohelo Bombe, a young woman in poultry from Gauteng Province has been advising young farmers to “hustle “, diversify, look for opportunities and have a drive if they are to succeed. She is farming with broiler chicken and decided slaughter and give package meat to the clients that she serves.

Bringing in the indigenous knowledge into the value chain, Ms Neliswa Malungane created Slimtone out of avocado seeds as part of the pharmaceutical products. Battling with weight after giving to her beautiful kids, she remembered her grandmother’s product, today she has produced a product that sooner may be in the shelves of our retail shops. I have highlighted these women and what they do, not because they are the only ones, there are many women who have entered the sector and caused disruptions in a positive way. Their success does not mean they have not had challenges.

In their journey, they have had many partners, such as government, communities and private sector who have made it possible for them to succeed.

What then are the constrains that we are addressing in order to support women in agriculture?

Land Question

We need to develop strategies on how we can ensure a better legal framework that will ensure access and equity.  As government we have developed and adopted the land allocation and beneficiary selection policy. In that policy, we have set a target for 50 per cent.

One of the challenges on land access has been information and knowing where go to apply. Financial support particularly for production: In addition to available funding mechanism that are available such as CASP, Ilima Letsema, Land Development Support, we have developed a blended finance instrument working with our development finance institutions and private banks. Extension and Advisory Services: Government has agreed to add 10 000 extension officers to our agricultural system within a three-year period. Access to markets and exports: We are rolling out the smallholder empowerment approach. This program is enabling farmers to understand the market and how it operates. It enables farmers to know what is needed by the market both in products, quality and volumes.

SHEP also change the mind set of farmers to plant for the market, instead of planting or producing and then think about the market later. Through SHEP farmers and buyers are brought together in a platform where they can interact

Technology transfer and digitisation: In order to respond growing demands of diverse types of foods by consumers, technology transfer becomes critical. Through the Agricultural Research Council, we assist farmers with new knowledge and new plant varieties. Technology is also critical in mitigating against climate change. Currently, we are developing climate smart agriculture seeds and farming systems tools and implements for production and processing, which are needed in any agriculture and agri-business production site.

Training programmes to build capacity of farmers remain important for success. We have started Women in Agro-processing and agribusiness program.  Through this programme, we want to expand women’s knowledge and entry into the agribusiness sector.  We are doing this to ensure that support mechanisms for women in the agribusiness sector are available.

In 2021, we are piloting with 100 women who have already entered the agro-processing space, albeit at a small-scale level. The intention is to incubate these women enterprises such that they can become sustainable and grow. This pilot will ensure that we learn from our interventions as well as from the women themselves. At the end of the pilot, we can then roll out at scale.

What are the areas of entry in the agriculture and agribusiness value chain?

I want say a majority of us believe entry into agriculture is through ownership and access to land. Yes, when it comes to primary production that is true. But, entry into the industry can be achieved through participation in processing of raw agriculture commodities. One example is that of the lady in Limpopo who has a beetroot processing factory. She sources her beetroot from local smallholder farmers in Limpopo and surrounding provinces. To improve her capacity and be able to deliver at scale, the department assisted her with equipment. She is now competing with Tiger brand (KOO) in the spar retail shops in Limpopo and Mpumalanga.

Logistics and Transport System: The other area of focus is logistics which relates to packaging and transportation of goods from farm to market locally, nationally and abroad. 

Cold storage, Pack houses and grain storage facilities: Agriculture infrastructure remains critical in preservation of agriculture products before they reach the market. This is another area where women can participate.

I have shared with you briefly on what government is doing and will be doing to work with women in order to participate in the agriculture and agribusiness sector. This for us is important to ensure economic inclusion in our society and at the same time strengthen women’s role in strengthening food security in our country.

*These abridged remarks delivered yesterday by Minister Thoko Didiza on the occasion of a webinar on The Role of Women in Agriculture
